
Board Charter, Terms of Reference and Standard Operating Procedures

The Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies in Jamaica (revised October 2012) recommends that Boards of public bodies have a Charter which defines the roles and responsibilities of the Board. The Board of Commissioners of the CGC has adopted such a Charter, and has also adopted a Governance Framework Document which refers to and incorporates the governance policies pursuant to which the Commission operates.


The Board has also documented its Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to ensure continuity and transparency in governance operations.


The Board Charter and Governance Framework Document endorses and adopt the principles set out in the Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies with respect to the separation of the governance and operational roles of the Commission. The Board believes that its purview should be confined to ensuring that the systems and policies that are implemented within the Commission in the execution of its statutory functions are consistent with the principles of good governance, and that the operational execution of the statutory function should be the duty of the staff of the Commission, under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer.


Accordingly, the Board has taken steps to delineate operational and governance functions, principally by approving an Instrument of Delegation, which gives the Executive Officers of the Commission the responsibility to execute the core day-to-day operational functions of the Commission, with the Board exercising ultimate governance oversight through its Committees. The Instrument of Delegation preserves the right of the Board to perform any delegated function, and contemplates that the Board (through its Committees) will set, review and assess the parameters within which the delegated functions are to be and are actually performed.

Board of Commissioners

Management & Staff

Annual Reports